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Impossible de recevoir d'email sur mon compte FREE Nouveau!!

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For some time (days, weeks?) I no longer receive any email via my free box.
note: I can send messages.
I made a test sending a message from another mailbox and I have an error return:

 Address not found
Your message did not reach ******** ***, because the address cannot be found or cannot receive messages.

Response from remote server:
664 8.2.2 < [email protected] >: Recipient address rejected: Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)

As if my mailbox was full, except there are only 19 emails in this box !!!
Do you have a lead?
Thank you.

[email protected]:
Pareil ici; Le chargement de Zimbra est bloqué depuis hier matin et la communication avec le serveur IMAP a été perdue. Il n'y a aucun problème avec SMTP. Je peux envoyer des e-mails mais pas en recevoir car c'est mon compte officiel... c'est un fouillis. Si j'ai bien compris, ce n'est qu'une question de patience ?

Same situation here; Zimbra loading has been sluggish since yesterday morning, and IMAP server communication has been broken. SMTP is working without a hitch. Despite the fact that this is my official account, I am unable to receive emails from it. If I have this right, patience is all that is required?

The same issue is present; IMAP server communication has been disrupted, and Zimbra loading has been sluggish since yesterday morning. There are no issues with SMTP I am unable to receive emails from this account even though it is mine officially. If I understand this correctly, all that is needed is patience?

The same issue is present; IMAP server connectivity has been disrupted, and Zimbra loading has been sluggish since yesterday morning. There are no issues with SMTP.
 I am unable to get emails from this account even if it is mine officially. If I understand this correctly, all that is needed is patience?


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